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每日一歌 | The Angel
发布日期:2024-07-22 01:17    点击次数:125


♪ 第  999  首歌 ♪

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The Angel

词:Louis Dunford

曲:Louis Dunford

 As I walk these streets alone当我独自走过这些街道Through this borough I call home穿过这个我称之为家的地方Upon the baron fields of Highbury在海布里的球场上Neath the stadiums of stone在石头的体育场下Through the turnstiles at The Angel穿过天使号的旋转门See the homeless on the green看到绿地上的无家可归者From The Cally to The Cross从卡利街到十字街And every sh*t all in between以及中间的一切Pass the church, the mosque, a crack den经过教堂、清真寺、xd窝点And the offie on the corner还有街角的jySee the brasses from the brothel看到jy的铜像That pretends to be a sauna假装是桑拿房Watch the bedlam in the bookies观察菠菜公司里的混乱局面See the winners and the losers看到赢家和输家Seeking solace from their sorrows从他们的悲伤中寻求慰藉In the local battle cruisers在当地的战斗巡洋舰上Through the madness in the market穿过市场上的疯狂Weathered faces turn to greet ya饱经沧桑的面孔转身向你问好“Hello guvnor,how's your mother?”"你好,长官,你母亲怎么样了?"“You alright son, be lucky geeza”"你还好吗,儿子,幸运吧,吉萨"Double pie and mash and liquor双份馅饼、土豆泥和白酒A Cuppa Rosie Lee up chap一杯Rosie Lee的茶水Or watch retired gangsters bicker或者看着退休的黑帮分子争吵不休Everyday in Arthur's cafe每天都在亚瑟的咖啡馆里The little ****ers causing trouble这些小混蛋在制造麻烦For the cozzers make you smile因为这些人让你微笑You meet ya muckers for a couple你和你的朋友们在一起的时候Forget your troubles for a while暂时忘记你的烦恼From The Thornhill to The Hemmy从Thornhill餐厅到Hemmy餐厅All the faces are the same所有的脸都是一样的The manor might be changing庄园可能正在改变But the people still remain但人们不忘初心North London forever永远的北伦敦Whatever the weather无论天气如何变化These streets are our own这些街道都属于我们And my heart will leave you never我的心永远不会离开你My blood will forever我的血液将永远Run through the stone流淌在北伦敦的石头上As I walk these streets alone当我独自走过这些街道Through a kingdom made of Chrome穿过一个铬制的王国I see them ripping up the cobbles我看到他们敲碎鹅卵石And tearing down our childhood homes拆毁我们童年的家园I see the architecture changing我看到建筑的变化Watch the history disappear看到历史的消失And the skyline rearranging天际线重新排列Into towers of veneer变成单板的塔楼But I see the remnants of the London但我看到伦敦的残存物That they thought they could erase但我看到伦敦的残存物Every time I hear the old school他们以为可以抹去Talk about the good old days每当我听到老一辈人谈论过去的美好时光Every time I watch the football每当我看足球时Or have a ruby with the lads或者和小伙伴们一起吃红宝石的时候See an hoister selling clobber看到一个卖口香糖的人Or a dealer shotting bags或一个经销商拍摄的袋子It's in the single mothers juggling这是在单亲母亲的“魔术”中A baby and a job一个孩子和一份工作In every single brother struggling在每一个挣扎的兄弟中That wound up in the dock都被送上了被告席It's in the roots and the foundations它存在于根基和基础上Still clinging to the land依然坚守在这片土地上It's in the bricks that built The Morland在建造莫兰的砖块中And Popham that still stand和Popham仍然存在It's in my family and my friends它在我的家人和朋友中In every gram and every Benz在每一克和每一辆奔驰中It's in the roots that you inherit它存在于你所继承的根基之中When a generation ends当一个时代结束时It's in the ruins of your youth它在你年轻时的废墟中And the faces of your past和你过去的面孔Cause the manor may be changing因为庄园可能正在改变But the people always last但人们不忘初心North London forever永远的北伦敦Whatever the weather无论天气如何These streets are our own这些街道都属于我们And my heart will leave you never我的心永远不会离开你My blood will forever我的血液将永远Run through the stone流淌在北伦敦的石头上


今儿推荐的歌曲来自一位阿森纳球迷Louis Dunford的《The Angel》。开始文章之前,先道个歉,我文章封面图用的是现在阿森纳主场酋长球场的图,而这首歌介绍的是以前的老球场海布里球场。


这位老哥是一名阿森纳球迷,相信经常看球的朋友都知道这支充满魅力的英超球队。而歌曲也是表达对阿森纳这支球队的喜爱,内容大致是描述的是海布里球场周边的街道,店铺,事儿,人儿,感受。歌曲更像是口水歌,谈不上多牛逼。但是,里面饱含了一位阿森纳球迷对球队的深深的感情。这份情足以打动人,至少打动了我。好玩的是,Louis Dunford用的伦敦口音唱完整首歌。容易让我出戏,联想到《浴血黑帮》《两杆大烟枪》《偷拐抢骗》《摇滚黑帮》。对了,如果你是阿森纳球迷,或者球迷,再或者也不是球迷,都建议去看看一部关于阿森纳教练阿尔塞纳.温格的纪录片《红白岁月》。一部关于忠诚,坚守,100%付出,爱的纪录片。最后,让我们来温习下这位老哥对阿森纳深深的爱:North London forever永远的北伦敦Whatever the weather无论天气如何These streets are our own这些街道都属于我们And my heart will leave you never我的心永远不会离开你My blood will forever我的血液将永远Run through the stone流淌在北伦敦的石头上· End ·


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